Stumble out of bed due to 16 month old kicking, hitting and fussing to be changed and fed. Make my way to substandard coffee grinds of which there is only enough for 1 cup, not the usual two. 3 year old wakes up and decided to smash a leggo into the door instead of opening it like a normal human being. Recently grumpy husband sleeps.
Make 3 varieties of breakfast for the little ones, french toast a hit with the littlest and categorically refused by the oldest. Sugar laden "Grape Drink" is instead demanded by said 3 year old and emphatically refused by me.
Then on to "damn tooth brushing" time while I struggle to remember if I have eaten anything and decide that I sort of have. Make a mental note to eat more. Fight to brush two sets of little teeth. Wrangle cranky children into new clothes. Grumpy husband continues to sleep.
A glance outside reveals gray skies, more rain. More stir crazy boys desperate to run around, great. Make a cup of Yogi tea since I want to save the last cup of coffee for tomorrow (or do I?) Fortune on tea bag string says:
"Your destiny is to merge with infinity"
Decide that I don't like the sound of that, it sounds a little foreboding which gets me thinking about my dream last night of which the number 30 glowed brightly 3 times. It was such a vivid dream I separate the boys, putting each one in front of a different tv babysitter and look up the meaning of the number 30.
Perhaps no single number more fully embodies the essence of the rhythmic fluctuations which characterize human affairs than that of the number 30. Its significance to the realms of finance, economics, physics, mathematics, astronomy, and religion is integral to a full comprehension of each field, and almost mystical in its import....While the number 30 has many significations, its most fundamental significance is the fact that it is the number of the circle, or cycle. The circle, it will be noted, is the geometric expression of absolute completion and infinity.
In doing that just now I noticed for the first time it talks about infinity. Ok, that is a little weird. Mental note to ponder all of that later on, hopefully with nice cold beer in hand.
Anyway, morning chugs on. Husband wakes up, doesn't seem too grumpy and does me the great favor of taking 3 year old up to the preschool. Poor little brother is so sad he can't go but I ensure him this means he gets full reign of the toys in the house, especially his brother's prized Cozy Coupe of which we have only 1 (so far).
Check some e-mails, relax a bit and decide to make another cup of tea. Fortune this time says:
"Old age needs wisdom and grace"
Which at first makes me annoyed because although I feel so much older I am only 29. Then I reread it and decide it is an ok one. I can't resist one peek at the next bag in the box though:
"May this day bring you peace, tranquility and harmony."
Now that is a fortune I can look forward to. 10 am and I am hoping this ugly/strange morning has taken a turn for the better. Even if I have to base that assumption on a cup of tea and the fact that the house is half empty and no one is screaming at me.
Note to readers (if I have any) possible reflective post on dreams from last night to come later today...
2 days ago
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