Both of the boys are still asleep right now. It is very unusual to say the least, the clock creeps towards 9, sippy cups ready in the fridge, cartoons playing on the tv and they sleep. Don't get me wrong, it is really quite lovely. However, as a mom you get attuned to times when the schedule deviates, dead quiet while they play is always bad and sleeping an hour longer than they usually do could be the harbinger of something. I guess I will have to wait and see, and hope it isn't a cold or flu.
I noticed a very distressing thing last night. Har has been waking up at the same times each night for the same comforting nursing back to sleep. This is bad. He sticks to the same nursing schedule during the day, if he is doing that at night I have to nip in the butt. I am hoping that will happen this weekend because we are going away for the night and I won't be able to nurse him nearly at all. I am hoping, hoping, hoping that helps. If it doesn't, I don't know what I am going to do short of sacrificing sleep for an entire week to train him not to crawl into my arms at night. Training a little dude not to crawl into my warm arms at night seems mean to me but I don't have a choice, if it affects the way I parent, affects my own health I have to do it. Doesn't mean I want to but I have to. I haven't slept a full night in over 3 years, I know it has affected my overall well being. I just hope I can do it with compassion and love and the little guy doesn't get his feelings hurt.
On an entirely unrelated subject, I got a strange comment on my last post. It is about hummingbirds, Anna Hummingbirds. I can't figure it out, why someone would even post a whole essay on hummingbirds when I merely mentioned them once. There is no "read your post", or anything that even hints that this strange person read my post or my bio. This is especially true since the first thing she says is that these Anna Hummingbirds are all over Southern California. Hello, smart lady! I say right there that I am in the Sierra Foothills, Northern California. We are at an elevation of about 3200 feet and there is not a thing about this place that even relates to Southern California. In fact, I have often thought that Southern and Northern California should be two different states because we are really so very different. It was, well odd, and I plan to delve into what she says further but right now I am concerned the clacking of my fingers is stirring the still sleeping boys. For now, I am signing off. I am sure I will have more to say later, until then this is what my morning looks like at this very second.

Northern CA and Southern CA should be 2 different states. Still, I dream about northern CA-- I know it is warmer than here.