This morning I was making coffee and Dustin came flying out of his room. He wrapped his arms around my legs and shouted "I LOVE YOU MOMMY". Then he asked for a "BIG KISS PLEASE! BIG HUG!". Does it to me every time.
H baby gives kisses complete with a "Muah". He climbs into my lap and sucks on my hair when he wants to nurse. When he knows I am a little annoyed at him he still does it but he climbs into my lap backwards as if because he isn't facing me he can pretend I am not a little mad.
Oh, the love I have for these boys. Being a mother has done so much for me, given me two precious little angels, grounded me, forced me to look at things from the eyes of a child.
Yet they are boys, they do drive me crazy. They bite graham crackers into the shape of guns and stick me up at the refrigerator. They take toilet paper and fill the toilet up with a whole roll. They hold screaming contests and chasing contests but in these insane moments there is always one thing I feel, I am so glad they have eachother.
Never did I think I would have two kids so close together. I wanted them close but 20 months? I thought it would probably be more like 3 years. It works though, it is crazy but it works.
The love I have for them is so big it wouldn't fit on this Earth and they love they have for eachother? It has to be close.
Today I feel that peacefullness I talked about yesterday is waning, probably due to he fact I had 2 cups of coffee instead of one. That seems to happen every time and I really need to learn to restrain from that second cup. Also, that moving stress is starting to creep in. I just need to take a deep breath today and learn from the boys...their life is about today, it can't hurt for me to see it that way as well.
Mommy loves you little guys!
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