Yesterday was a blank of a day.
I would use the profanity but let's just say I am too exhausted to go back and change it.
Dustin popped his mattress so I had to do some rearranging, letting him sleep on Har's crib mattress which meant putting Har in the bed which meant a night of tossing and turning. I can't help but think I have ruined Har for sleeping soundly since I pretty much held him in my arms all night since the day he was born...but I have REASONS! I do, starting with the fact that since E couldn't stay in the hospital with me and no one was able to hand me the little guy I had no choice, recovering from a second C-section and all, but to sleep with him. I know, I know, so what about the next 14 months? I still nurse him at night, I still snuggle with him, and when it is a bad night like last night we have a miserable day. However, those wonderful nights when he is rock solid against my body and I wake up with his sweet breath on my face? They do make it worth it.
That being said, we are getting toddler beds. That is our next big project, along with moving, packing, finding a place to live, taxes, getting another car, you know just the "little"l stuff. Dustin is first up for a big boy bed, probably something car themed because he is so into the hot rods and wrenches. Harlan is more of a striped and robot kind of a kid so hopefully we will be able to find something along those lines for him.
In the meantime I struggle to keep my eyes open, H is napping and Dustin is pre-napping and if I could only get them down at the same time I could lie down myself. Then there is the other matter of rearranging things tonight to try and get some sleep, this I am going to have to be creative with because we live slightly far from civilation (read: large big box stores) and won't be getting there to pick up the beds until Friday.
There is a mound of packing that needs to be done, and a whole lot of cleaning but days like this I don't even see it. It is like the reverse of me turning into the invisible woman, mounds of recycling to be taken out? clothes to be folded? Invisible...if I can't see it I don't need to do it.
Now I think I am going to try and edge Dust over the napping cliff, and at that exact moment he blissfully falls asleep something is sure to throw a monkey wrench in the afternoon...wonder what it will be this time?
2 days ago
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