The fog has rolled in under black rain clouds. It has been raining all day and while E has been at work the boys and I have been hibernating. There is a black and white movie on tv and the sky outside matches the movie minus the sparkling diamonds the lead woman is wearing. There is graham crackers ground into the floor and the house is a mess. We had a great last few days and had some good friends over to celebrate the New Year so the air hangs with the memory of their laughs, music, bottles being opened and children squealing.
Dustin is in his room watching a new Dr. Suess movie while red and white Christmas lights glow on his ceiling. Today he is all 3 year old sass, telling me things are not what they are. Contrary I would call him. Har is running around with soft baby hair, smiling eyes and a nose that has been running for at least a week straight. He is testing the waters of toddler sass, defiantly refusing to let me put shoes or socks and his freezing toes are driving me crazy. Meanwhile his older bro keeps wagging his toe that has a blood blister on it in my face and yelling "BLOOD TOE".
I can't motivate myself to do anything but coast through the day with a sort of dazed happy look on my face. Sometimes this happens, a supreme relaxation due to some combination of little boy kisses, children's tv's and weather that makes it impossible to do anything but hunker down. I always enjoy these days as opposed to the ones that I run around after the kids like a mad woman shouting "Put that down!" "Don't eat that!" "Stop hitting eachother". I think these nice quiet days are nature's way of giving a mom a rest, much in the way a well deserved beer in the afternoon would but without the headache.
I even thought about tomorrow as being one of the last 4 weekends we will be in this place. By all logic that shouldlock my jaw with stress. Packing, actually finding a place (since we still haven't), the logistics of moving with two kids and my husband who has a bad back problem, that should make me worried but today it just isn't happening. Tomorrow it probably will, today not so much.
Today I am just grateful to start a new year over. To be home with my little guys and being able to watch them grow. 2008 brought so much heartache but so much joy because I got to be with them. I threw together a post about the New Year in the post before this one but it doesn't do the excitement I feel justice so I may have to redo it.
Now, I am off to try and wrestle the boys into a bubble bath. When they are done I may sit and watch that movie and imagine life in black and white with diamonds and martinis.
3 hours ago
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