I recently was honored by a fellow blogger with the "Honest Scrap Award".
I have put off doing it not because I like talking about myself since I obviously do but because all that blogs I read have already done this survey thingy. I decided while I have one kid asleep and the other watching a movie I may as well do it even though I have no one else to nominate :(
I guess every survey ends somewhere though, right?
Honest Scrap Award.
The rules for Honest Scrap are:
1) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap.”
3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself
10 honest things about me:
1. I love beer. Really love beer. I have a thing for micro breweries and hunting down and trying new beers. The downside is that it is almost impossible for me to drink anything substandard since I have tried so many great beers. I have almost got it to the point where I can pinpoint the ABV in a beer and due to my long career past in the coffee industry I have a knack for tasting all the nuances and tastes in beers. Mine and my husband's next hobby is going to be growing hops and then I want to learn how to brew beer. I think growing hops will be amazing but I won't be heartbroken if I am not good at brewing beer because there are millions out there I have yet to try.
2. I have this habit, not sure if I love it or if it is annoying, of taking on way too much when it comes to chores. When I start something I will not stop until it is finished. I will do things like take 10 shopping bags all hanging off my arm into the house at once. The other day I decided I didn't like the look of a dead tree in our yard that we have been trying to get rid of so I dug it up. Dug up an 8 foot tree, the roots were huge and it took forever but I wanted to get it done. I will completely rearrange a room even though I am already exhausted, moving beds, bookcases and more. I have done this forever and am never sure what to make of it but it is totally me. I guess you could say I am a workhorse and pretty strong when it comes down to it.
3. The thing in my life that I have to work hardest at with regards to relationships is being a wife. I am a natural mom, friend, sister, daughter but I grew up with a single mom (my dad was in the picture albeit he had his own problems) . My mom and dad divorced when I was 3 so I never saw a marriage up close. This has been really hard for me to learn, I used to think every time Evan and I fought it was the end of the world. I really had no idea how marriages work. He has been a great teacher though, and I have worked really hard at learning how to be a wife and how not to do everything by myself like my natural inclination is.
4. My favorite fantasy is winning a lot of money. When I think about this the first thing I think about is what gifts to shower my friends and family with. So many people are struggling right now, we are actually doing ok which is great but almost everyone we know is where we were two years ago and that was living paycheck to paycheck. If I can't sleep at night I think about winning the lottery and sending my best friend a check for 15,000 or buying my mom and sister a house. When it comes time and I have fantasized about everyone else and I can think about my family the first thing I drool over is being able to go to Whole Foods and fill the cart up with anything and everything I could possibly want. That would be my personal lottery dream.
5. I am a huge believer in signs and I see them a lot. I don't believe in coincidences at all and I am very supertitious. This has been a great way to live my life, I feel the universe will provide what we need and as cliche as it is- everything happens for a reason.
6. I have only 2 regrets in my life and they aren't really regrets as much as things I learned from but wish I had done differently. The first being not graduating SFState like I set out to. I went for 2 years for the Cinema program and then got kicked out for grades. I was too into partying and that was dumb, I should have stuck it out. The second is when I was 19 I inherited a nice tidy sum of about 60,000. I should have invested it in real estate or put it away but I was 19 so I did stupid stuff like buy a brand new car and fritter it away. Of course both of these decisions led to me ending up at school for Audio Recording which is how I met my husband so I can't "what if" them too much. Still, I think one is entitled to have a few things they "regret".
7. I am very long winded on the computer, e-mails, surveys, facebook. I just like to talk and comment on stuff. It is my pet peeve when people don't answer you backor leave questions hanging. I was like this at work too, always needing to end computer coversations in a definite and polite way. You wouldn't just walk away from someone who said something to you in person, why do people feel it is ok on the computer?
8. I have an obsession with nursing tea. I will drink 3-4 cups a day whenI have it. The combination of herbs are perfectly suited for some issues I had, anxiety and an irritable stomach, and the medicinal nature of the tea has made my overall health feel great. In general I love tonic teas for the fact that they do that. Also, sentimentally the tea grounds me and puts me in that motherhood space. I will probably continue to drink it even when I stop nursing and I find that totally normal.
9. When I am at my wits end I always picture that scene in Tampopo where the mom is dying and to keep her from collapsing they have her cook noodles for dinner. She feeds everyone and then she can collapse. That is how motherhood is to me, sort of a dark humor sometimes.
10. I love having a house filled with people, I think I would have lived in a commune if I had grown up in the 60's. If I had it my way now we would have a gorgeous 15-20 acres up here with several houses on it, chickens, vegetable gardens, and friends and family who fit in with all that living in each of the houses. There would be moms helping moms, kids running around and a real sense of community. I would love that.
Thanks for reading, I will edit this to award to bloggers if I have found any who haven;t done it.
1 day ago
Hey, I love beer too. And wine. And vodka. You get the idea.